Turbodynamics celebrates World Mental Health Day

Today, 10/10/22 is World Mental Health Day. But what does mental health mean anyway? Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person can realize his or her full potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to his or her community.

In our fast-moving and, above all, crisis-ridden times, this is an important topic for which everyone should take time.

We at Turbodynamics are also concerned with mental health.

The health of our employees is an important asset for us. In our fast moving market there is an increased stress factor.

Therefore, we have introduced a stress management seminar in our company, which is intended to ensure sustainable better health.

This stress management seminar is a start & we are always trying to take care of the mental health of our team.

As Karl Valentin, a famous German comedian, already said: „Today I make myself a pleasure and visit myself. I hope that I am at home“.


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